Most people focus on the money that can be saved through insulation rebates. While this is an important aspect of the program to consider, there are plenty of other benefits that come from a properly insulated home.
Rebate Itself
The actual rebate itself is enough of a benefit to make it worthwhile to add insulation. How many things can you do that improve your home and get paid back most or all of your investment. Any home that installs additional insulation will save money each month on utility bills. This is the beauty of the rebate – those who do it stand to save money over time.
Energy Savings
The main purpose of the insulation rebate program is to save energy. Everyone is looking for a way to reduce the amount of energy we use, and to lower the amount of energy that must be produced from non-renewable energy sources. One of the main benefits of the Utah insulation rebate programs is that they reduce the demand for non-renewable energy.
Lower Electricity Usage
The energy savings from those who utilize the insulation rebates, and thereby demand less energy to keep their home comfortable, can have a profound effect on the environment.
Length of Rebates
There is constant speculation about when the insulation rebate incentives will end. The companies who pay for these programs have not tipped their hands. All we know is that they are available now. The future will likely change the programs, and it is likely that someday they will come to an end.
The benefits of the insulation rebate programs extend far beyond the immediate benefits. The rebates help to promote a healthier environment, pushing homes to use less of the energy they have relied on.