A new healthy homes initiative has recently been launched by the Government targeting low-income households for free home insulation.
As part of the budget, the Government is investing in a new insulation programme delivering warmer, drier, and healthier homes to communities in need. This initiative is being supported by MidCentral DHB who are jointly funding 200 free home insulations for high health needs occupants.
Public Health Manager Robert Holdaway said that living in a warm and dry home provides significant health benefits to all occupants.
“As well as making homes easier and cheaper to heat, insulating homes helps reduce health risks caused by cold, damp housing such as respiratory illnesses and serious diseases like rheumatic fever.”
Households that meet the low-income and high needs criteria below can be referred to the Healthy Homes programme. For the purpose of the programme, a low-income household is one where the owner/occupier (or the named tenant) has a Community Services Card (CSC) or a CSC-endorsed SuperGold card.
A high health need is where one or more occupants are at a particular risk of developing, or have a pre-existing health condition affected by cold damp housing.
In the case of owner-occupiers, the programme is fully funded and free to the home owner, and in the case of rental properties, a small contribution is required by the landlord.
Dr Holdaway said: “We are very pleased that 80 homes have already been insulated under this initiative. These homes are mostly from Horowhenua and Tararua. We are wanting more homes referred from Palmerton North and Manawatu.”
A referral application form to access this initiative is available by contacting your GP or Practice Nurse.
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