In this wintertime image of a Maine home, the infrared camera reveals heat leaking through the foundation walls, wasting energy and decreasing comfort for the family inside.
Thermal imaging lets us visualize temperature differences, making it one of the most essential (and interesting) parts of a FREE consult with Evergreen Home Performance. Though our infrared cameras are sophisticated enough to reveal thermal gaps year-round, the images we see during serious cold snaps are especially dramatic – and informative.
In an infrared picture, warmer areas appear red to yellow and colder areas – where insulation is missing or air leaks are gaping – appear purple to black. Ceiling joints, foundation sills, uninsulated walls, and gaps around doors and windows are all common areas for heat loss, but each home is unique. When you and your Evergreen Home Performance Energy Advisor know where energy is being wasted, you can customize an energy efficiency solution.
At Evergreen Home Performance, we offer insulation, air sealing, basement encapsulation, and other energy-smart services to cut your home’s energy use by 25% or more and qualify for up to $1500 in rebates from Efficiency Maine. Get started today: Contact us at 594-2244 to schedule your FREE energy consult!
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